#define | AT_DECLARE_ARRAY(UPPER, type) |
| Vetor Multidimensional. More...
#define | at_array_index_to_nd(array, s, s_nd) at_index_to_nd(array->h.dim, array->h.step,s,s_nd) |
| Convert 1D to ND.
#define | at_array_index_to_1d(array, s_nd, s) at_index_to_1d(array->h.dim, array->h.step,s_nd,s) |
| Convert ND to 1D.
#define | at_array_max(array) |
| File max of array. More...
#define | at_array_destroy(array_ptr) |
| Delete array. More...
#define | at_array_save(arrays, names, num, filename) at_arrayu8_save((AtArrayU8**)arrays,names,num,filename); |
| Save array to file.
void | at_index_to_nd (uint8_t dim, uint64_t *step, uint64_t s, uint64_t *s_nd) |
| at_index_to_nd More...
void | at_index_to_1d (uint8_t dim, uint64_t *step, int64_t *s_nd, uint64_t *s) |
| at_index_to_1d More...
void | at_array_header_init (AtArrayHeader *header) |
| at_array_header_init More...
void | at_array_header_set (AtArrayHeader *header, uint8_t dim, uint64_t *shape) |
| at_array_header_set More...
void | at_array_header_dispose (AtArrayHeader *header) |
| at_array_header_dispose More...
void | at_arrayu8_save (AtArrayU8 **arrays, char **names, uint8_t num, const char *filename) |
| at_arrayu8_save More...
AtArrayU8 * | at_array_load (char ***namesp, uint8_t *nump, const char *filename) |
| at_array_load More...
void | at_arrayu8_set_nd_many (AtArrayU8 *ar, uint64_t *coords, uint8_t *value) |
| at_arrayu8_set_nd_many More...
void | at_arrayu16_sub_u8 (AtArrayU16 *ar, AtRange *ranges, AtArrayU8 **output) |
| at_arrayu16_sub_u8 More...
void | at_arrayheader_squeeze (AtArrayHeader *h) |
| at_arrayheader_squeeze More...
This file is part of the atkv project. Copyright 2016 Anderson Tavares noctu.nosp@m.rne..nosp@m.pe@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
( |
type |
) |
| |
Value:typedef struct AtArray##UPPER{ \
AtArrayHeader h; \
type *data; \
Vetor Multidimensional.
Para criar um vetor, é necessário saber a dimensão (dim
) e o tamanho (shape
) de cada uma. Por exemplo, podemos criar uma matriz bidimensional 5x4: dim = 2 e shape={5,4}
. Note-se que o tamanho é {Y,X} e não {X,Y}, e dimensões adicionais devem ser colocadas primeiro ({Z,Y,X} por exemplo). dimensão é uint8 e shape é um array de uint64.